Hardhead's Blog

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Location: Blue Ridge, Va., United States

Friday, April 02, 2010

Spambot Search Tool v0.48

* Fixed display of results (now properly centered)
* Modified check_spammers.php (submission to FSL/SFS)
* Fixed IsValidEmail function
+ Added resolve_host function (makes things a little cleaner)
* Modified query so username + email are case insensitive.

Download: http://support.it-mate.co.uk/?mode=Products&act=DL&p=spambotsearchtool

Firefox 3.6.3

What’s New in Firefox 3.6.3

Firefox 3.6.3 fixes a critical security issue that could potentially allow remote code execution (see bug 555109 ).

Download:  http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/personal.html

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.45

Version 1.45 (March 29th, 2010)

1. Added new scheduling engine for our customers featuring realtime updating, more finely-grained scheduled scanning/updating, and a streamlined interface.
2. Added new flash scanning option which searches for malicious objects in memory and load point locations.
3. Added compatibility with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) for our corporate customers.
4. Added a brand new advanced heuristics detection module named Shuriken that will be integrated into both scanner and protection module.
5. Integrated website blocking options and other customizable policies into the main program interface.
6. Heavily improved command line interface allowing customers to scan and remove automatically and silently.
7. Heavily improved updating module which should solve various updating issues. Also added full proxy support including authentication and integration into the GUI.
8. Fixed a large number of various issues and enhanced overall stability of the scanner and protection module.

News_thumb  Product Details:  Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware